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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - wear


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~1 v past tense wore past participle worn 1 »ON YOUR BODY« to have something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery on your body  (I'm going to wear a black dress and my diamond earrings. | Why aren't you wearing your glasses? | wear a seatbelt (=put it around yourself) | wear blue/black/red etc)  (I rarely wear bright colors. | wear sth to a party/dance/interview etc)  (You can't wear jeans to the opera.) 2 »HAIR« to have your hair or beard in a particular style or shape  (Fay wore her hair in a ponytail.) 3 »BECOME DAMAGED« to become thinner or weaker after continuous use  (The stair carpet has worn in places.) 4 »HOLE« to change the shape or condition of something by using it a lot or gradually damaging it  (wear a hole/groove/gap etc in sth)  (You've worn a hole in these socks.) 5 wear well to remain in good condition without becoming broken or damaged after a period of time  (The concrete buildings of the 60s haven't worn well.) 6 »EXPRESSION« to have a particular expression on your face  (wear a frown/smile/grin)  (Harry's face wore a broad grin.) 7 sth is wearing thin if an excuse, explanation, opinion etc is wearing thin, it has been used so often that you no longer believe or accept it  (Neil says he has to work late again - I think that excuse is wearing thin.) 8 wear the trousers BrE, wear the pants AmE informal to be the person in a family who makes the decisions. 9 not wear sth BrE spoken used to say that you will not allow or accept something  (Jane came home after 2 a.m. - I'm not wearing that.) 10 wear your heart on your sleeve informal to show your true feelings openly - wearable adj wear away phr v to gradually damage something or make it get thinner or weaker by using it, rubbing it etc  (wear sth away)  (The cliff face is being worn away by the sea.) wear down phr v 1 to gradually become smaller or make something smaller, for example by rubbing it or using it a lot  (My shoes have worn down at the heel.) 2 to make someone physically weaker or less determined  (wear sb down)  (Haig's bullying was wearing me down..) wear off phr v 1 if pain or the effect of something wears off, it gradually stops  (The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to wear off.) 2 the novelty wears off used to say that you stop feeling interested or excited about something because it is no longer new wear on phr v if time wears on, it passes very slowly, especially when you are waiting for something to happen  (As the night wore on there was still no news of the missing plane.) wear out phr v 1 to cause a lot of damage to something by using it a lot or for a long time so that it can no longer be used  (Damn! My camera batteries have worn out. | wear sth out)  (I've worn out the soles of my shoes.) 2 to make someone feel extremely tired; exhaust1 (1)  (wear sb out)  (Two nights without sleep have worn me out. | wear yourself out)  (The baby has stopped crying. I think he's worn himself out.)  (- see also worn out) ~2 n 1 damage caused by continuous use over a long period  (The carpet is showing signs of wear.) 2 the amount of use an object, piece of clothing etc has had, or the use you can expect to get from it  (Considering the wear it's had, your coat's in good condition. | have/get a lot of wear out of sth)  (You'll get a lot of wear out of a canvas tent. | a lot of wear is left in sth (=it is still useful or can still be worn)) 3 sportswear/evening wear/childrens' wear etc the clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity, or by a particular group of people  (a new range of casual wear | the menswear department | footwear (=shoes)) 4 wear and tear the amount of damage you expect to be caused to furniture, cars, equipment etc when they are used for a long period of time  (normal/everyday wear and tear)  (The washer should last for ten years allowing for normal wear and tear.)  (- see also the worse for wear worse1 (8))
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  (wears, wearing, wore, worn) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you wear something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery, you have them on your body or on part of your body. He was wearing a brown uniform... I sometimes wear contact lenses... She can’t make her mind up what to wear. VERB: V n, V n, V n 2. If you wear your hair or beard in a particular way, you have it cut or styled in that way. She wore her hair in a long braid... He wore a full moustache. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n 3. If you wear a particular expression, that expression is on your face and shows the emotions that you are feeling. When we drove through the gates, she wore a look of amazement... VERB: V n 4. You use wear to refer to clothes that are suitable for a certain time or place. For example, evening wear is clothes suitable for the evening. The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear... N-UNCOUNT: supp N 5. Wear is the amount or type of use that something has over a period of time. You’ll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour... = use N-UNCOUNT 6. Wear is the damage or change that is caused by something being used a lot or for a long time. ...a large, well-upholstered armchair which showed signs of wear. N-UNCOUNT 7. If something wears, it becomes thinner or weaker because it is constantly being used over a long period of time. The stone steps, dating back to 1855, are beginning to wear... Your horse needs new shoes if the shoe has worn thin or smooth. VERB: V, V adj 8. You can use wear to talk about how well something lasts over a period of time. For example, if something wears well, it still seems quite new or useful after a long time or a lot of use. Ten years on, the original concept was wearing well. VERB: V adv 9. If one person in a couple, especially the woman, wears the pants, or in British English wears the trousers, they are the one who makes all the decisions. (INFORMAL) She may give the impression that...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   geographical name river 67 miles (108 kilometers) N England flowing into North Sea at Sunderland WEAR  I. verb  (wore; worn; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English weren, from Old English werian; akin to Old Norse verja to clothe, invest, spend, Latin vestis clothing, garment, Greek hennynai to clothe  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to bear or have on the person wore a coat  2.  a. to use habitually for clothing, adornment, or assistance ~s a size 10 ~ glasses  b. to carry on the person ~ a sword  3.  a. to hold the rank or dignity or position signified by (an ornament) ~ the royal crown  b. exhibit, present wore a happy smile commend the book for ~ing its research so lightly — Brad Leithauser  c. to show or fly (a flag or colors) on a ship  4.  a. to cause to deteriorate by use  b. to impair or diminish by use or attrition ; consume or waste gradually letters on the stone worn away by weathering  5. to produce gradually by friction or attrition ~ a hole in the rug  6. to exhaust or lessen the strength of ; ~y, fatigue  7. to cause (a ship) to go about with the stern presented to the wind  8. British to accept or tolerate without complaint ; put up with — usually used in negative constructions your mates wouldn't ~ it — Colin MacInnes  9. take on 3a  intransitive verb  1.  a. to endure use ; last under use or the passage of time material that will ~ for years  b. to retain quality or vitality the classics ~ well  2.  a. to diminish or decay through use the heels of his shoes began to ~  b. to diminish or fail with the passage of time the effect of the drug wore off the day wore on  c. to grow or become by attrition or use the blade wore dull  3. of a ship to change to an opposite tack by turning the stern to the wind — compare tack  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. the act of ~ing ; the state of being worn ; use clothes for everyday ~  2.  a. clothing or an article of clothing usually of a particular kind; especially clothing worn...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. (past wore; past part. worn) 1 tr. have on one's person as clothing or an ornament etc. (is wearing shorts; wears earrings). 2 tr. be dressed habitually in (wears green). 3 tr. exhibit or present (a facial expression or appearance) (wore a frown; the day wore a different aspect). 4 tr. Brit. colloq. (usu. with neg.) tolerate, accept (they won't wear that excuse). 5 (often foll. by away) a tr. injure the surface of, or partly obliterate or alter, by rubbing, stress, or use. b intr. undergo such injury or change. 6 tr. & intr. (foll. by off, away) rub or be rubbed off. 7 tr. make (a hole etc.) by constant rubbing or dripping etc. 8 tr. & intr. (often foll. by out) exhaust, tire or be tired. 9 tr. (foll. by down) overcome by persistence. 10 intr. a remain for a specified time in working order or a presentable state; last long. b (foll. by well, badly, etc.) endure continued use or life. 11 a intr. (of time) pass, esp. tediously. b tr. pass (time) gradually away. 12 tr. (of a ship) fly (a flag). --n. 1 the act of wearing or the state of being worn (suitable for informal wear). 2 things worn; fashionable or suitable clothing (sportswear; footwear). 3 (in full wear and tear) damage sustained from continuous use. 4 the capacity for resisting wear and tear (still a great deal of wear left in it). Phrases and idioms in wear being regularly worn. wear one's heart on one's sleeve see HEART. wear off lose effectiveness or intensity. wear out 1 use or be used until no longer usable. 2 tire or be tired out. wear thin (of patience, excuses, etc.) begin to fail. wear the trousers see TROUSERS. wear (or wear one's years) well colloq. remain young-looking. Derivatives wearable adj. wearability n. wearer n. wearingly adv. Etymology: OE werian f. Gmc 2. v. (past and past part. wore) 1 tr. bring (a ship) about by turning its head away from the wind. 2 intr. (of a ship) come about in this way (cf. TACK(1) v. 4). Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) износ; изнашивание; истирание; срабатывание изнашиваться; истираться; срабатываться 2) одежда wear and tear — 1. износ 2. амортизация; wear by roll formation — изнашивание скатыванием; wear on the bottom — износ подины; to wear away — 1. изнашивать(ся) 2. срабатываться; to wear in — прирабатывать трением; to wear out — изнашиваться - ablative wear - abrasive wear - adhesive wear - allowable wear - anisotropic wear - atomic wear - attrition wear - baggy wear - bell-shaped wear - bit wear - camber wear - casual wear - cavitation wear - cavitational-abrasive wear - chemical wear - cornering wear - corrosive wear - crater wear - cutting wear - deformation wear - delamination wear - double breasted wear - dresser diamond wear - dusting wear - dynamic wear - electroerosive wear - erosive wear - excessive wear - extremely fine wear - extremely gross wear - face wear - fatigue wear - flank wear - fore-and-aft tire wear - formal wear - fretting wear - frictional wear - fusion wear - gouging wear - gradual wear - horseshoe shaped wear - hour-glass shaped wear - impact wear - internal wear - laminar wear - last-a-season wear - leisure wear - limiting wear - linear wear - local wear - mass wear - mechanical wear - mechanochemical wear - metallic wear - mild wear - misalignment-type wear - moderate wear - negative wear - nonzero wear - normal wear - one-body wear - oxidative wear - percussive impact wear - permissible wear - polish wear - positive wear - progressive wear - resort wear - rolling wear - running-in wear - scalloping wear - seizure wear - severe wear - single breasted wear - single-traversal wear - sliding wear - slotted wear - specific linear wear - specific mass wear - specific volumetric wear - specific volume wear - spring coils wear - steady-state wear - surface wear - thermal wear - tire cross wear - total wear - two-body wear -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  износ, истирание; изнашивание abnormal wear abrasive wear excessive wear ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) изнашивать 2) износ 3) износить 4) износостойкость 5) истирание 6) снашивание 7) сработанность to adjust for wear — регулировать по мере износа comparative wear resistance — относительная износостойкость give rise to wear — вызывать износ - abrasive wear - adhesive wear - attrition wear - cavitation wear - corrosive wear - cumulative wear - drill-gauge wear - erosive wear - fatigue wear - mechanical wear - oxidative wear - regular wear - resistance to wear - run-in wear - spotty wear - wear parachute - wear pattern - wear plate - wear resistant - wear test - wear tolerance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. износ, изнашивание - fair wear and tear - wear and tear Syn: wearout, deterioration 2. гл. изнашивать(ся) WEAR 1. сущ. 1) общ. ношение, носка (одежды) 2) общ. одежда, платье 3) а) общ. способность носиться, носкость There's a lot of good wear left in those shoes. — Эти ботинки еще долго будут носиться. б) общ. изнашивание, ветшание You can see the wear on the corner of the rug. — Вы можете заметить потертость в углу ковра. - в) учет износ, изнашивание (машин, оборудования в физическом плане) Syn: wear and tear 2. гл. 1) а) общ. носить(ся) (об одежде) б) общ. (имя; иметь вид, характер и т. п.) to wear a famous name — носить громкое имя 2) общ. соглашаться, разрешать (обычно используется в отрицательных конструкциях) 3) а) общ. снашиваться, вытираться (об одежде, рельефе и т. п.) б) учет изнашиваться Syn: tear в) общ. истощить, изнурить My patience is wearing thin. — Моему терпению приходит конец. 4) общ. тянуться, проходить (о времени) The day wears towards its end. — День близится к концу. ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ношение, носка (одежды) in wear —- находящийся в носке, надеваемый; модный the coat I have in wear —- пальто, которое я постоянно ношу this is no longer in wear —- это уже вышло из моды, это уже не носят clothes for everyday wear —- повседневная одежда a dress for winter wear —- зимнее платье for seaside wear —- для пляжа (об одежде) 2. износ, изнашивание to show wear —- износиться, истрепаться the carpets are showing wear —- ковры вытерлись it will stand any amount of wear —- этой вещи износу не будет to look the worse for wear —- выглядеть сильно поношенным (потрепанным) wear allowance —- спец. допуск на износ wear resistance —- спец. износостойкость 3. носкость there is still much wear in these shoes —- эти ботинки еще долго будут носиться wear life —- воен. срок носки (обмундирования) wear performance —- спец. качества (одежды, обуви), необходимые в носке; носкость 4. одежда, платье men's wear —- мужская одежда working wear —- рабочее платье; спецодежда beach wear —- собир. купальные костюмы, халаты и т. п.; пляжная одежда slumber wear —- ночные рубашки и пижамы wear fabrics —- плательные ткани 5. (-wear) как компонент сложных слов: одежда foot wear —- обувь underwear —- белье knitwear —- трикотаж 6. быть одетым (во что-л.); носить (одежду и т. п.) to wear a hat —- носить шляпу to wear stockings —- ходить в чулках to wear one's hair long —- носить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  on медленно тянуться (о времени) WEAR I  1. noun  1) ношение, носка (одежды); in wear - в носке, в употреблении; this is now in (general) wear - это теперь модно; a dress for summer wear - летнее платье  2) одежда, платье; mens wear - мужская одежда; working wear - рабочее платье  3) носка, носкость; there is still much wear in these shoes - эти ботинки еще будут долго носиться  4) износ, изнашивание - show wear - wear and tear  2. v.  1) быть одетым (во что-л.); носить (одежду и т.п.); to wear ones hair loose - ходить с распущенными волосами - wear scent  2) носиться (об одежде); to wear well - хорошо носиться [см. тж. wear  3) ]  3) выглядеть, иметь вид; to wear well - выглядеть моложе своих лет [см. тж. wear  2) ]; to wear a troubled look - иметь смущенный или взволнованный, озабоченный вид  4) изнашивать, стирать, протирать; пробивать; размывать; the water has worn a channel - вода промыла канаву; to wear a track across a field - протоптать тропинку в поле  5) утомлять; изнурять  6) подвигаться, приближаться (о времени); the day wears towards its close - день близится к концу  7) - wear the ensign - wear the flag - wear away - wear down - wear off - wear on - wear out to wear the Kings/Queens coat - служить в английской армии - wear the breeches - wear the pants II = weir WEAR a mask притворяться, скрывать свои истинные намерения; WEAR and tear  а) износ; амортизация; изнашивание;  б) econ. износ...
Англо-русский словарь
  mil. abbr. Wartime Executive Agent Responsibilities TV st.abbr. TV-3, Pensacola, Florida NASDAQ abbr. PremiumWear, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. werian "to clothe, put on," from P.Gmc. *wazjanan, from PIE *wes-. Shifted from a weak verb (past tense and pp. wered) to a strong one (past tense wore, p.p. worn) in 14c. on analogy of rhyming strong verbs such as bear and tear. Secondary sense of "use up, gradually damage" (c.1275) is from effect of age on clothes. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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